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The EAN Northeast regional communication workshop will be held September 13-15, at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, NY.

All conference attendees must complete official registration by 5pm (EST) August 30,2024.




A third block is coming soon.


Meals include Friday lunch and dinner; Saturday breakfast, lunch, and dinner; and Sunday breakfast, and lunch. Sunday’s lunch will be a boxed lunch so that schools can take them on the road if they wish. Dietary restrictions will be collected in the registration form.  The registration fee which includes all meals, will be generously covered by the Network.

Dress Code for Weekend:

Friday: Business casual for poster session and career fair
Saturday:  Your university gear – casual but think jeans, not PJs
Sunday:  EA polos or business casual for your presentations

Laptops and electronic devices:

Ambassadors are required to have a laptop for the workshop. Please fully charge your laptop and other devices each night in preparation for the following day.  If you need specific dongles, please bring them.  WIFI will be available.

Campus map:






Registration opens at 12:30 pm Friday.  Lunch will start about 1 pm.

The workshop is being restructured. More schedule details will be available soon.